January 2025
We are saddened to hear that our partners Miles4Migrants will be closing this month. We want to express our gratitude for the immense contributions Miles4Migrants has made to reunite families and change lives and the profound impact it has left on all involved.
“It might be a job for you, but I can assure you, it’s one through which you’re saving lives, changing destinies, blending hearts and giving hope. That’s what you did for me, us, and the families benefiting from your services.” Gaelle, a mother recently reunited with her three children through Miles4Migrants and Together Now
Over the last few weeks, as they themselves, dealt professionally and personally with their impending closure their team have continued to show the same immense commitment to families, putting time and energy into finding the best possible solutions for some complex situations.
As we’ve discussed their closure we have also reminisced about some of the most difficult asks of them, families with the most urgent need to leave, with circumstances that made their being able to travel to the UK seemingly impossible and almost every application during the pandemic. There are some families who without their combination of expertise, compassion and tenacity would just not have been able to travel and would have remained in dangerous and unstable situations.
Since 2017 we have flown 1411 people from 715 families through our partnership, using over 3 million donated miles, and with an estimated cash value of $736, 967.
We cannot say enough to thank everyone at Miles4Migrants who has made such a significant contribution to the lives of refugee families and been valued colleagues through challenging times.
There will, inevitably, be some impact in our ability to accept applications for travel assistance. We are doing what we can to look at new ways of working and mitigate the impact and will send further updates regarding our capacity.